Horses on Molesworth Station |
Horse and farrier |
Farrier Patrick Schimanski |
Awatere River Valley |
View from Pudding Hill |
Molesworth Station |
Bee keepers collecting honey |
Honey collecting bee keepers |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Acheron house by Clarence River |
Molesworth Station breaking storm |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Molesworth Station mustering |
mustering on Molesworth |
Bush Gully out station |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Clarence and Acheron Rivers |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Molesworth Cob Homestead |
Panorama of Saxton River valley |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dog |
Foal on Molesworth Station |
Molesworth Station front country |
Honey bees |
St James Station, Clarence |
Molesworth Station |
Canada Goose hunting |
Canada Goose hunting |
Canada Goose hunting |
View from Pudding Hill, Molesworth Stn |
View from Pudding Hill, Molesworth Stn |
Motorcycle touring, Molesworth Road |
Motorcycle touring, Molesworth Road |
Acheron River bridge, Molesworth Station |
Clarence River dawn, Marlb. high country |
Clarence River dawn, Marlb. high country |
Clarence River dawn, Marlb. high country |
Lake Tennyson, Molesworth Station |
Lake Tennyson, Molesworth Station |
Lake Tennyson, Molesworth Station |
Lake Tennyson, Molesworth Station |
Trout fishing, Molesworth Station |
Inland Kaikoura Range, Awatere |
Lake Sedgemere, Molesworth |
Lake Sedgemere, Molesworth |
Lake Sedgemere wetlands |
Lake Sedgemere wetlands Molesworth |
Acheron Rv, Molesworth Stn, winter |
Guide River, Molesworth Stn, winter |
Guide River, Molesworth Stn, winter |
Elliot, Clarence River, Molesworth |
Isolated Flat |
Farm dogs waiting, Molesworth |
Farm gate, summer evening light |