Tramper crossing a stream, Auckland |
Tramper on the Hillary Trail track |
Tramper on the Hillary Trail track |
Tramper on Hillary Trail, Auckland |
Hillary Trail |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream, Auckland |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Taitomo Island, Piha Beach, West Auckland |
Whites Bay beach, West Auckland |
Tramper at Kitekite waterfall |
Tramper at Kitekite waterfall, Auckland |
Tramper at Kitekite waterfall, Auckland |
Tramper crossing a stream |
Tramper crossing a stream, Auckland |
River crossing, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Tramper on Hillary Trail, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Maori carving Arataki Visitor Centr |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Waitakarere Ranges |
Arataki centre, West Auckland |
Waitakere forest and water streams |