Wellington Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Wind turbine |
Wind Turbine, Wellington |
Wind turbine, Wellington |
Jew's Ear Fungus |
Kohekohe fruit capsules |
Wild cat caught in cage trap |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat pest control |
Female ferret held by handler |
Somes / Matiu Island |
Matiu/Somes Island, Wellington |
Ferry at Wellington Heads |
Bluebridge interislander ferry |
Porirua Harbour and Marina |
Island Bay, Wellington |
Stormy waves, Wellington |
Rock fishing |
Matiu Somes Island, Wellington |
Wellington Harbour |
Basin reserve, Wellington |
Wellington Stadium |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Wgtn Harbour and Tararua Ranges |
Wellington Harbour |
Ataturk memorial, Wellington harbour heads |
Cambridge Terrace, Wellington |
Cambridge Terrace, Wellington |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Fibre optic cable connection |
Matangi trains, Wellington |
Green frog |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Wellington South Coast |