The Hillary Trail, Te Henga walkway |
Te Waihou Walkway, Blue Springs |
Visitors at the Bridge to Nowhere |
Ship Creek forest walking track |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Hunter taking break on hunt |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Tramping, Tararua Ranges |
Turere Stream Mouth, Remutaka |
Trampers, Remutaka Forest area |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Whale sculpture Oriental Bay Wgtn |
Danger sign, Kepler Track |
Clifden suspension bridge |
Hunters spotting deer from boat |
Kepler Track boardwalk, Fiordland |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
Tramping,Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Trampers leave for Hooker Valley |
Trampers, Hooker Valley walk |
Helicopter, 1st hut Kepler Track |
Luxmore Hut, Kepler Track |
Tongariro winter hut |
Tramping track signs |
Deer hunter and dog |
Tramping sign |
Makara coastal walk, Wellington |
Barron Saddle Hut |
Stewart Island Brown Kiwi footprints |
Crable Mountain, Tasmania |
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania |
Ferry, jetty Tiritiri Matangi Islan |
Great Barrier Island tramping |
Zealandia, Karori Wildlife Sanctuary |
3 people silhouetted, admiring view |
Zealandia, Karori Wildlife Sanctuary |
Zealandia, Karori wildlife Sanctuary |
Denniston Incline |
Denniston Incline |
Rainbow Springs forest walk |
Cape Reinga |
Cape Reinga lighthouse |
Milford Track |
Milford Track |
Milford Track |
Swingbridge over Ohinemuri River |
Rainforest wetland, Waikato |
Historic bridge, Waioeka Gorge, Opotiki |
Harwood's Hole |
Top Valley walking track |
Top Valley Track, Mt Richmond |
Mount Pureora walk, Waikato |
Onetahuti (Tonga) camping ground |
Kea bird |
Trampers outside Herepai Hut |
Trampers, Campbell Island |
Helicopter, L.ake Leeb, Westland |
Helicopter landing South Westland |
Lake Waikaremoana, Wairoa |
Te Korokoroowhaitiri Bay. Wairoa |