Aerial of Southland |
Aerial of Southland |
Pickersgill Harbour marking |
Mt Augarde walking track |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Walkway at Cape Kidnappers |
Walkway at Cape Kidnappers |
Molesworth cottage and sign |
Molesworth Station sign |
The Hillary Trail, Te Henga walkway |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Lower Queens Street in Auckland |
Vulcan Lane, Auckland |
Molesworth Rainbow Boundary sign |
Ok Adit - Big River mine |
Poison bait station on fence post |
Health warning sign |
Health warning sign |
Molesworth Station sign |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
KEEP OUT sign - summer camping |
Taumarunui Racing Pigeon Club |
anti-1080 protest banner |
anti-1080 protest banner |
anti-1080 protest banner |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 posion protest sign |
1080 poison protest sticker |
1080 poison protest sign |
Polar bear numberplate, Nunavut |
'Sorry nice people only' |
Shot fired into DOC signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Rabbit poison on grass |
Hokianga Vehicle Ferry sign |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
Danger sign, Kepler Track |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
Trampers leave for Hooker Valley |
Trampers, Hooker Valley walk |
Mt Cook National Park & signpost |
Mt Cook National Park & signpost |
Vehicle entering Mt Cook Nat Park |
Red deer statue in Mossburn |
Seaview industrial area |
Black nightshade flowers |
Yarrow flowers |
Close up dead gorse plant spines |
Scenic & Marine Reserve signpost |
Didymo algae warning sign |