Unusual double core Kiwifruit |
Kiwi fruit centre |
Kiwi fruit centre |
Barley Grass |
Flax seeds |
Native Wharangi shrub |
Native Whau seeds |
Native Whau seeds |
Rewarewa tree seeds, native |
Rewarewa seed pods |
Pine cone |
manuka seed pods |
Astelia fruit |
Flax seed pods |
Whau seeds |
Marram grass in seed |
Grass seed head |
Bidibidi seed head |
Bidibidi |
Hook grass seeds |
Hook grass seeds |
Native tumbleweed |
Native flax flowers |
Native flax flowers |
Native flax flowers |
Native flax flowers |
Native bidi-bidi |
Grapes |
Fern |
Manuka flower |
Five finger seed head |
Giant vegetable sheep plant |
Kaka bird feeding on coprosma fruit |
Dandelion |
Tawapou leaves and berries |
Tawapou leaves and berries |
Tawapou leaves and berries |
Tawapou leaves and berries |
Native Wharangi shrub and fruit |
White Stringybark gum tree capsules |
Whau, native tree |
five finger tree seeding |
Lacebark Ribbonwood seeds |
Lacebark Ribbonwood seeds |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Manuka flowers and seed capsules |
Manuka seed capsules |
Manuka seed capsules |
Manuka seed capsules |
Manuka seed capsules |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Poplar tree seeds over ground |
Poplar tree seeds over ground |
Poplar tree seeds over ground |
Poplar tree seeds over ground |
Akeake tree in seed, NZ native |
Bidibidi seed heads |
Bidibidi seed heads |
Poor Knights lily seed heads |