Whale scrimshaw |
Moving car |
Wet weather drive |
Wet weather drive |
Pauatahanui inlet and reserve |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Possum trapping |
Helicopter flight |
Whale meat |
Turtle shells confiscated in trade |
Turtle shells confiscated in trade |
beach rubbish |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Kent Terrace, Wellington |
Cambridge Terrace, Wellington |
Cambridge Terrace, Wellington |
Old logging bulldozer, Pureora Forest |
Matangi trains, Wellington |
Feilding town centre |
Feilding Town Centre |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Canterbury Museum, Christchurch |
Havelock Museum |
Wakefield, Nelson |
Stewart Island airport |
Hawkweed plant pest flowering |
1080 poisen protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 posion protest banner |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
Te Anau town centre |
Old trucks, Dumont dUrville base |
Shoppers, Arrowtown main street |
Gorse spines killed by herbicide |
DOC Ranger bandiing a Weka |
Weka conservation work |
Horopito Smash Palace |
Wind turbine |
Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat pest control |
Powerlines in the suburbs |
Portobello, Otago Peninsula |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Wanaka |
Auckland City |
Huntly power station |