Real Journeys coach/Doubtful Sound |
Mother & child on the Brod Bay track |
Mother & child on the Brod Bay track |
Kea bird |
Diving red billed gull |
Red billed gull |
Farm dogs waiting |
Molesworth Station |
Portrait, Jackie Bedford Philospher |
Bianca Edwards on her Ducati |
Parnell Road, Auckland |
Parnell Road, Auckland |
Whitebaiters in Palliser Bay |
Whitebaiters in Palliser Bay |
Banded dotterel nest 4x4 threat |
Winter Alpine Climbing |
Winter Alpine Climbing |
Te Waihou Walkway, Putaruru |
Te Waihou Walkway, Blue Springs |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Buller River at Dee Point |
NZ Flax leaves |
NZ Flax leaves |
Port Awanui & Te Wharau Beach |
Port Awanui & Te Wharau Beach |
Flax plant leaves |
Flax plant leaves |
Flax plant leaves |
Camping beside Upper Buller River |
Camping beside Upper Buller River |
State Highway 94 |
State Highway 94 |
State Highway 94 |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Slime mould fruiting bodies |
Slime mould fruiting bodies |
Slime mould fruiting bodies |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Doubtful Sound and Deep Cove |
Doubtful Sound and Deep Cove |
Doubtful Sound and Deep Cove |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Lake Te Anau lookout |
Winter Alpine Climbing |
Pohutukawa flowers in bloom |
Horse and buggy |
Horse & buggy, Te Araroa, East Cape |
Beach volleyball, Anaura Bay Beach |
KEEP OUT Sign, Coromandel |
Pohutukawa flower pattern swirl |
Pohutukawa flower pattern swirl |
Wet road and hill country, Waiouru |
Wet road and hill country, Waiouru |
Alpine navigation, Mt Taranaki |
Climber with compass, Mt Taranaki |