Traffic accident |
Stinging nettle |
Traffic accident |
Traffic accident |
Farm burn off |
Charcoal |
Blood flower blooming |
Fennel flower head |
Flowers and foliage of tree lupin |
Burn off fire |
Wandering Willy weed |
Wild ginger pest |
Orange pore fungi |
Fire fighting in the bush |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Bush fire |
Fire threathening homes |
Candles |
Earthquake railway damage, Kaikoura m7.8 |
Earthquake railway damage, Kaikoura m7.8 |
Earthquake railway damage, Kaikoura m7.8 |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Hawkweed plant pest flowering |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Hieracium Hawkweed pasture |
Weeds on farmland |
Gorse spines killed by herbicide |
Holly-leaved Senecio in flower |
Darwin's barberry in flower |
Flowers and olive grove |
Firewood stack |
Sweet briar rose |
Sweet briar rose |
Sweet briar flower |
Tangiwai rail memorial |
tree lupin - weed |
Search & rescue RNZAF helicopter |
Scotch Thistle |
Himalayan honeysuckle |
Ragwort weed |
Scotch thistle - weed |
Rubbish dump |
Wandering Willy |
Wandering Dew |
Gorse flowers |
Pampas grass |
Pampas Grass pest |
Fireman |
Gorse fire and house |
fire threathening homes |
Candle flame |