Flowering eyebrights, Westland |
3 native buttercup flowers |
Kahikatea tree |
Native orchid |
Kahikatea trees |
Kahikatea tree stand, Westland |
Flax heads |
Inside native forest, Taranaki |
Water fern shoot |
Mountain Cedar |
Tree fern |
Native spleenwort fern |
Five finger tree leaves |
Punga Tree fern unfurling |
Sambar Deer |
Native forest on Kapiti Island |
Tall tree towering above others |
Regenerating farmland, Hawkes Bay |
Alpine tarn, Ruahine Forest Park |
Cook Strait from Porirua lookout |
Hen and chicken fern |
Gully fern frond |
Parasol toadstools |
Toadstool |
Mangroves |
Mangroves |
Inside stand of beech forest |
Koromiko flowers |
Poroporo flower |
Possum |
Mossy forest |
tree fern trunks texture |
Lycopodium and hounds tongue fern |
Native forest Tararua Forest Park |
Ice around frozen tarn, Westland |
Natural thermal pool near Taup |
Enderby Island Cattle |
Enderby Island |
Sub Antarctic Island |
Waitaha River, Westland |
Mountain Olearia lacunosa bush |
Waitaha River, Westland |
Mokai Patea, Ruahine Forest Park |
Spaniard grass |
Snowfall, Tararua Forest Park |
Sand dune wetlands, Foxton |
Akeake tree in seed, NZ native |
Miro tree seedling, NZ native tree |
Miro tree seedling, NZ native tree |
Totara tree seedling |
Manuka forest sunset, raglan |
Misty beech forest roundel Hawkes Bay |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass flower, NZ native |
Speargrass flower |