Jet boating Wairaurahiri River |
Jet-boat ride Wairaurahiri River |
Rat caught in predator trap |
Setting predator trap by river |
Jet boat on river, Fiordland |
Jet boat,river rapids, Fiordland |
Jet boat crew taking a break |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boat ride on river rapids |
Jet boating, Wairaurahiri River |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
Rapids Jet boat ride, Southland |
Rapids jet boat ride, Southland |
Jet boating on river, Southland |
River Jet boating, Southland |
Kayakers Doubtful Sound Fiordland |
Kayaking, Doubtful Sd, Fiordland |
Helicopter over Lake Te Anau |
Wellington waterfront city scene |
DOC ranger banding a Weka |
Conservation worker, Long Island |
Weka being moved to Blumine Island |
Releasing weka onto Blumine Island |
Removing weka from cage trap |
Ranger setting weka trap |
Blue duck conservation |
DOC workers by Te Waiiti River |
DOC workers by Te Waiiti River |
DOC worker & dog by Te Waiiti River |
Blue duck watched by deerstalker |
DOC worker & dog by Te Waiiti River |
Blue duck watched by deerstalker |
Blue duck research |
Blue Duck researchers, Taranaki |
Blue duck conservation |
Blue Duck researchers, Taranaki |
Blue Duck researchers, Taranaki |
Blue Duck researcher, Taranaki |
Blue Duck researcher, Taranaki |
Possum fur plucking |
Roadworks stop sign |
Fishing boat at sea |
Dolphin research |
RNZAF chopper exercise |
Truck topdressing fertiliser |
Fishing vessels, Jackson Bay |
Inscribed totara tree |
Seaweed pest Undaria, Dunedin |
Photographer capturing stormy seas |
Woman with pois, Maori concert |
Maori Concert dancers |
Warrior performing at Maori Concert |
Shearing sheep |
Kakapo bird, nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird and Don Merton |
Kakapo bird and Don Merton |
Kakapo being inspected |
Kakapo bird |