Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Clothing up for cold |
Wellington coast visitors |
People visiting Wellington Coast |
4WD camping |
Family tramping trip |
Family tramping trip |
Family tramping party |
Picnic |
Picnic |
Picnic |
Tenting in the Remutakas |
Wgtn Zoo Giraffes |
Wgtn Zoo Giraffe feeding |
Wgtn Zoo Giraffe feeding |
Wgtn Zoo Red Panda |
Wgtn Zoo Rad Panda feeding |
Wgtn Zoo Red Panda feeding |
Camping, Northland |
Summer camping, Northland |
Wgtn Civic Square |
Wgtn Civic Square |
Otari Bush school trip outing |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Wellington waterfront walkers |
Wellington Waterfront buildings |
Oriental Bay beach visitors, Wgtn |
Fishing off Karaka Bay jetty |
Seaside cafe at Scorching Bay |
Cafe visitors enjoying meal |
Wedding party, Rose Gardens |
Wedding party Botanical Gardens |
Wedding party, Botanical Gardens |
Walking in Botanical Gardens |
Sundial sculpture close-up |
Duck Pond, Botanical Gardens |
Tourists admiring view of Hutt City |
Man and woman walking together |
Couple holding hands while walking |
Chateau and winter |
Chateau in winter |
Chateau in winter |
Chateau in winter |
Chateau in winter |
Desert Road snow |
Family and rainbow, Wellington |
Exercising family on coast, Mana |
Parents coastal run, Pukerua Bay |
Family coastal exercise |
Family exercise, coastal |
Coatal bike ride |
Wellington Lookout |
Beach walkers, Pukerua Bay |
Virginia Lake, Wanganui |
Virginia Lake, Wanganui |
Family exploring rocky coast |
Day walk track, Ruahines |
Day walking track, Ruahines |