Ship rat |
Ship rat |
Bird wing |
Bird wing |
Cymbidium orchid |
Orchids |
Alpine tramping |
Wellington |
Alpine tops, Kahurangi NP |
Alpine Rocks - Kahurangi |
Kahurangi NP, near Lake Peel |
Galena Creek, Cobb Valley |
Mountain neinei |
Power station |
Prostrate coprosma |
Coprosma and moss |
Lycopodium |
Weka ready for release |
Sand patterns |
Bealey river, Arthur's Pass N.P. |
Arthur's Pass NP peaks, winter |
Waimakariri River, Arthur's Pass |
Side creek, Arthur's Pass N.P. |
Weka |
Cave weta |
Tree fern forest |
Tree fern forest |
Wild fallow deer |
Tui bird |
Ship Rat |
House mouse |
Wellington |
Farm signs |
Bottlenose dolphin |
Bottlenose dolphin |
Bottlenose dolphin, Fiordland |
Purse seine boats, Bay of Plenty |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Dandelion |
Dandelion |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Mt Underwood, Milford Sound |
Fiordland rainforest interior |
Lake Gunn |
Inside Manapouri Hydro Station |
Manapouri Power Station tour |
Fishing boats, Doubtful Sound |
Tourists boating Lake Manapouri |
Mitre Peak, Milford Sound |
Epiphytic broadleaf in Rimu tree |
Native Kea bird, alpine parrot |
Flowering eyebrights, Westland |
3 native buttercup flowers |
Whataroa Valley, South Westland |
Young red deer in tussock |
Kahikatea tree |
Sky & clouds |
Hunter with doe just shot |
Native orchid |
Kahikatea trees |