Spring lambs |
Farmland and waterway |
Dairy farming |
Sunlight on rolling hills, Wairau |
Farmland |
Marlborough farmland |
Dairy Farming |
Molesworth Station |
Kaikoura Ranges |
The Muller Station, Marlborough |
Rarangi farmland, Blenheim |
Marlborough-Wairau River |
Lake Grassmere, Marlborough |
Lake Chalice, Marlborough |
Sheep ewe and lambs |
Young cattle grazing |
Frozen lake |
Molesworth Station |
Clarence River, Marlb. |
Dairy farm in Westland |
Rimu tree reflections |
Rimu tree reflections |
Onion cropping |
Kaitorete Spit Canterbury |
Kaitorete Spit, Banks Peninsula |
Sea Fog, Banks Peninsula |
Flea Bay, Pohatu, Banks Peninsula |
Hector's dolphins, Akaroa Harbour |
Dairy cows |
Old house |
Upper Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Upper Mokau River, North Taranaki |
Tararua farmland |
Lake Waikaremoana |
Lake Waikaremoana |
Lake Echo, Rotorua district |
Champagne pool, Waiotapu |
Champagne Pool Waiotapu |
Rainforest wetland, Waikato |
Cow and calf |
Wild pig |
Wild pig sow |
Wild Pig |
Timber logs |
Timber logs |
Pine timber logs for export |
Timber logs |
Timber |
Pine tree |
Papa cliffs, Mangaweka |
Mt Taranaki and tramper |
Mt Cook / Aoraki |
Mt Cook from above Sealy Tarns |
Sheep ewe and lamb |
Spring lamb |
New lamb |
Spring lamb |
Spring lambs |
Spring lamb |
Irrigation pump, Waikato. |