Bumble bee |
Bumble bee |
Giant Flax Weevil on flax leaf |
Giant flax weevil |
Giant flax weevil |
Red Admiral butterfly on flower |
Honey bee on coneflower |
Bee & Echinacea |
Bumble bee on Echinacea flower |
Tree weta - male |
Native Weta |
Sandfly biting skin |
Sandfly biting skin |
Giant flatworm |
Insect trapped in Alpine Sundew |
Huhu Grub |
Huhu grub |
Huhu grub |
Cicada head |
Bees in lavender flowers |
Lavender |
Lavender |
Parasitic wasp |
Butterfly wing closeup |
Butterfly wing |
Red Admiral Butterfly |
Red Admiral Butterfly |
Black tunnelweb spider |
Native Magpie moth on leaf |
Magpie moth |
Giant dragonfly |
Native dragonfly |
Male tree weta close up |
Native Weta |
Tree weta |
Native Weta |
Red Admiral Butterfly, NZ native |
Tunnel Web Spider tunnel web |
Common Copper Butterfly |
Roundel of NZ honeycomb |
Bumblebee on Manuka flowers |
Bumblebee on Manuka flowers |
White clover flowers |
Sperated honey frames |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Crab Spider |
Crab spider |
Crab Spider |
Beehives on Molesworth Station |
Honey Bees |
Honey Bees |
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae |
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae |
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Ladybird bug in sand grains |
Cattle tick waiting in grass |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |