Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
New Zealand native giant earthworm |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
Dead Asian Paper Wasp |
Asian Paper Wasp on flower |
Asian Paper wasp on flower |
Asian Paper Wasp on leaf |
Asian Paper Wasp on petal |
Silverfish body armour |
Silverfish Lepisma saccharina |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Carabid Beetle with parasite |
European whirligig mite |
Monarch butterfly |
New Zealand stick insect |
False Katipo spider |
Native NZ Yellow Admiral butterfly |
Dragonfly Nymph Exuviae |
Bird faeces |
Insect parasite on Karo Fruit |
Big jawed spider - NZ native |
Big jawed spider - NZ native |
Spider and victim |
Bee pollinating flax flowers |
New Zealand katipo spider |
NZ Stag Beetle |
Cocoon making |
Cocoon making |
NZ Vagrant spider |
Garden slater |
Common wasp |
Nettle & Cranefly |
Cicada shedding |
Giant weta in defense pose |
Native cockroach egg cases |
Native cockroaches |
Honey dew |
Native snails |
Alpine grasshoppers |
Alpine Grasshopper on rocks |
Lady bird |
Ladybird |
Garden slater |
Aphid |
Ladybird |
Copper butterfly |
Cave weta |
Trout fly |
Slugs |
Leafhopper |
Praying mantis |
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae |
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae |
Fruit maggots |
Native NZ Yellow Admiral butterfly |
Mayfly |
Ant nest |
Native Mealybugs |
Insect growth in Hebe |