Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere, Tongariro |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere, Tongariro |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere, Tongariro |
Rangiriri battle cemetery, Maori wars |
Te Wheoro's Redoubt, Rangiriri |
Feilding Town Centre |
Feilding Town Centre and war memorial |
Feilding Town Centre and war memorial |
Feilding Town Centre and war memorial |
Feilding Town Centre and war memorial |
Feilding Town Centre and war memorial |
Upper Hutt historic Blockhouse |
Upper Hutt historic Blockhouse |
Upper Hutt historic Blockhouse |
Upper Hutt historic Blockhouse |
Upper Hutt historic Blockhouse |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Napier war memorial |
Makara Beach, Wellington, aerial |
Makara Gun emplacement walkway |
Makara gun emplacement walkway |
Historic army barracks |
Historic Army barracks |
Historic Army Barracks |
Historic Fort Ballance Wellington |
Fort Ballance remains, Wellington |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic Gun Emplacement |
Wellington WWII defences |
Historic Mount Crawford emplacement |
Wellington Gun Emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Wellington heritage Radar station |
Wright's Hill fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortres, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Gun emplacement |
Wright's Hill gun emplacement |
WWII coastal defence RADAR, Wgtn |
Ruapekapeka Pa carved entrance |
Ruapekapeka Pa carved entrance |
Dilapidated WW2 lookout building |
Coastal defence lookout view |
WW2 coastal defence building |
WW2 coastal defence building |
WW2 coastal defence lookout |
Te Kooti's last stand, Central North Is |
Waiouru army museum |
Waiouru Army Museum |