NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
Nikau palm tree |
Nikau palm tree |
Cabbage tree foliage, NZ native tree |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Nikau Palm fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Tree fern fronds, NZ native |
Totara Tree leaves |
NZ Beech tree leaf comparison |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Otago University Clock tower |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
Spring blooms, mass daffodils |
Spring blooms, mass daffodils |
Nelson foreshore twilight |
Tourists in Auckland, Bastion Point |
Tourists at Bastion Point |
Oak tree leaves |
Mission Bay Park, Auckland |
Auckland City panorama |
Auckland City panorama |
Leaf skeleton |
Skeleton Leaves in spinning pattern |
Leaf skeleton |
Leaf skeleton |
Leaf skeleton |
Hard and Red beech tree comparison |
NZ Hard Beech leaves, sunlit |
NZ Hard Beech leaves, sunlit |
Kakabeak flowers |
Dead leaf on sand |
Dead leaf on sand |
Dead leaf on sand |
Mahinapua walkway |
Euphorbia glauca - native plant |
Rimu tree foliage |
NZ Maori Potatoes; Tutaekuri |
Native Pohutukawa foliage |
Native Pohutukawa foliage |
Native Pohutukawa foliage |
Native Pohutukawa foliage |
Young growth on Kowhai Tree |
Young growth on Kowhai Tree |
Spreading grass tree foliage |
Harvesting the grapes during Autumn |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for picking at harvest |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ Silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Silver fern frond |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Silver fern pinnae |
Blurred leaves of cabbage tree |