Tongariro N.P. |
Harpers Rock flat, Westland NP |
Southern Alps, Douglas River. |
Icefall, Southern Alps |
Mt Sefton, Westland National Park |
South Westland |
Icebergs in lake |
Falling ice on neve, Westland |
Lake Douglas |
Melting ice on neve, Westland |
Snow arch |
U-shape valley, Doubtful Sound |
Glacier ice |
Fran Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
Franz Josef Glacier |
Skier, Mt Ruapehu |
Franz Joseph Glacier, Westland |
Franz Joseph Glacier, Westland |
Water & ice in freezing river |
Frozen stream in winter |
Frosty Leaf |
Alpine frost |
Mountainous peaks, Southern Alps |
Icicles around creek, Westland |
Ivory Lake, Waitaha Valley |
Ice frosted tussock, Ruahines |
Franklin Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Franklin Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Polar ice cap, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Polar ice cap, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Possession Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Blizzard winds and spindrift, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Svalbard landscape, high arctic |
Arctic sea ice, Svalbard |
Arctic sea ice, Svalbard |
Polar bear on sea ice, Svalbard |
Bearded seal, Arctic Svalbard |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg window |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg |
Tabular iceberg Antarctica |
Syme Hut on Mt Taranaki, winter |
Ice damaged outboard motor propellor |
Crabeater Seals |
Crabeater Seal |
Climber on Mt Taranaki |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Star Princess cruise ship |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Shackleton's Hut |
Possession Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Sooty Shearwater on ice on ship |