Kaikoura earthquake fault rupture |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Geologist, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Earthquake railway damage, Kaikoura m7.8 |
Folded rock layers, Shotover Valley |
Folded rock layers, Shotover Valley |
Folded rock layers, Shotover Valley |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Stone wall, Otago |
Iceberg, Antarctica |
Iceberg, Antarctica |
Schist rock wall |
Greenlandic iceberg window |
Greenlandic iceberg window |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Svalbard landscape, Arctic |
Karst rock outcrop |
Eroded limestone rock patterns |
Clarence River crossing |
Palliser Bay coast |
Palliser Bay coast, Remutaka F.P. |
Paparoa Ranges rock patterns |
Paparoa ranges rock patterns |
Paparoa ranges rock patterns |
Paparoa ranges rock patterns |
Paparoa ranges rock patterns |
Chalk Range, Mead Strm, Clarence |
Chalk Range, Mead Strm, Clarence |
Chalk Range, Clarence River |
Eroded coastal limestone rock |
Kupe's Rock, Palliser, Wairarapa |
Awatere River headwaters |
Dillion Cone, Kaikoura mountain |
Rangipo Desert, Tongariro N.P. |
Mt Ngauruhoe, Central Plateau |
Central North Island power lines |
Nelson, Tahunanui Beach twilight |
Nelson, Tahunanui Beach twilight |
Aerial of Southland, Croyden bush |
Aerial of Southland |
Clarence River Valley |
Interbedded sandstone |
Orakei Korako - Rotorua |
Orakei Korako - Rotorua |
Orakei Korako - Rotorua |