Birth of Sea Lion |
Horseriding on sandy beach |
Horse riding on beach in summer |
Nice day for a horse ride |
Nice day for a horse ride |
Snow Petrel nesting in rocks |
Lazy Elephant Seal |
Resting elephant seals on beach |
Seals sleeping on beach |
Coming through! |
Young elephant seals on shore |
Relaxed elephant seal |
Penguins launching ashore |
Penguins climbing up rocks |
Fur Seal Leaping from water |
Group of moulting Penguins |
Group of Royal Penguins |
Moulting royal penguins |
Penguin on rock |
Penguin on rocks |
Tourists on Macquarie Island |
Macquarie Island landscape |
Tourists visiting Macquarie Is |
Tourists in Zodiac at Macquarie |
Field hut at Macquarie Island |
Wellington Gun Emplacement |
Sandstone waves with shells |
Patterns on sandstone |
Limpets on rock |
Limpets on rocks |
Wairarapa coastline, Uruti Pt |
Weathered sandstone, Wairarapa coast |
Eroding mud/sandstone on coast |
Whitbaiters at Waikanae |
Whitebaiting at Waikanae |
Off road adventure |
Off road adventure |
Southcoast, Wellington |
Biking on sandy beach |
Sweeping views along sandy beach |
Weathered greywacke rock patterns |
Watching penguins |
Red Rocks, Wellington |
Red rocks, Wellington |
Wgtn South Coast baches |
Coastal rubbish |
Coastal rubbish |
Drain emptying onto beach |
Drainage pipe emptying onto beach |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Lonely Shag on rock |
People talking on bench |
New Zealand Greenstone |
Braided river |
Braided Opouawe River |
Royal spoonbill waders |
Royal spoonbill waders |