Looking down over dump |
Freight train and road |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Coastal rubbish |
Coastal rubbish |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drain emptying onto beach |
Drainage pipe into the sea |
Drainage pipe emptying onto beach |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Vandalised DOC signage |
Wright's Hill fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Nitz Greek, Fiordland |
Poison sign - rabbits |
Shackleton's hut lighting plant |
Sheep and drought |
Sheep and drought |
Dry barren hills |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Deer hunter |
Fiordland trout fishing |
Fiordland trout fishing |
Beach glass |
Tent camping |
Woven wool fibres |
Tararua Ranges south view |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Glider above Mt Hector, Tararuas |
Penguin bones embedded in dune |
Historic Steam digester plant |
Historic Steam digester plants |
Historic steam digester plants |
Tourists at steam digester plants |
Old amphibious vehicle, ANARE Sn |
Diesel fuel tanks, Macquarie Is |
Diesel fuel tanks, Macquarie Is |
King Penguins on beach |
Ridge, Auckland Islands |
Southern Rata forest Auckland Is |
Cape Prud’homme Stn, Antarctica |
Île des Pétrels, Antarctica |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Camping in the Remutakas |
Campsite, Remutaka Forest Park |
Camping, Remutaka Forest Park |
Tramping in the Remutakas |
Walking in the Remutakas |
Tramping in the Remutakas |
Rainbow above main road |