Sheep and spring lambs |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Acheron house by Clarence River |
Molesworth Station stockmen & horses |
Molesworth Station stockmen & horses |
Picking wild Blackberries |
Picking wild Blackberries |
Bush Gully out station |
Bush Gully out station |
Bush Gully out station |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Molesworth cob homestead |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Clarence and Acheron Rivers |
Clarence and Acheron Rivers |
Awatere River valley |
Awatere River valley |
Tophouse Rainbow/Wairau River |
Tophouse Rainbow/Wairau River |
Summer on Hahei beach |
Summer on Hahei beach |
Summer on Hahei beach |
Tourists fishing on Hahei beach |
Tourists fishing on Hahei beach |
Tourists fishing on Hahei beach |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
NZ meadow grass, micro cosmos |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Native Wineberry flowers |
Native Whau flowers |
Native Whau / Cork tree in flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Memorial to the Wairau Affray |
Maori onion alpine herb |
Maori onion alpine herb |
Hagley Park, Christchurch |
Hagley Park, Christchurch |
NZ flax flower buds emerging |
NZ flax flower buds emerging |
NZ Kakabeak flowers |
Taurepo flower |
Taurepo flower |
Taurepo flower |
NZ native Creeping Fuchsia |
NZ native Geranium |
NZ native Geranium |
NZ Kakabeak flowers |
Kakabeak leaves, foliage and flowers |
Summer day by Kuaotunu River mouth |
Lazy summer day |
Tairua Harbour |