Early morning hoar-frost |
Early morning hoar-frost |
Native Kowhai flowers in Spring |
Native Kowhai flowers in Springtime |
Rural road winding along coast |
Rural road on Coromandel coast |
Coastal road on the Coromandel |
Native flora Torres del Paine, CHILE |
Bright red flora of Chilean Fiords |
Rugged terrain of the Chilean Fiords |
Rugged terrain of the Chilean Fiords |
NZ hibiscus flower |
NZ hibiscus flowers |
Herd of cattle grazing on pasture |
Camping at Fletcher Bay |
Family camping at Fletcher Bay |
Looking towards Fletcher Bay Camp |
Autumn colours by lake, Glenorchy |
Grapes at harvest time |
Grapes at harvest time |
Grapes at harvest time |
Worker harvesting grapes |
Harvesting grapes in Autumn |
Harvesting grapes in Autumn |
Worker harvesting grapes off vines |
Grapes being harvested from vines |
Harvesting grapes from the vines |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes during Autumn |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes from the vine |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Freshly picked grapes |
Picking the grapes |
Grape vines ready for harvest |
Autumnal colours at harvest time |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest on vine |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for picking at harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Twisted bull kelp |
Bull kelp |
New Zealand bull kelp |
Native flax flowers |
Native NZ flax seed head |
Seed head of native flax plant |
NZ native flax in bloom |
NZ native flax seed head |
NZ native flax sead head |
Native NZ flax |
Native NZ flax seed heads |
Native NZ flax seed heads |
Native NZ flax seed heads |
Native NZ flax on coast |