Wet moss |
Moss |
Flax seeds |
Native orchid |
Green hood native orchid |
Greenhood orchids |
Alpine Gentian flowers and foliage |
Red tussock |
S.I. Edelweiss |
Cushion plant flowering |
NZ Bluebells |
South Island Edelweiss |
Carpet grass |
Mistletoe blooms |
Eyebright flowers |
Native Matt Daisy |
Kanuka flowering |
Kanuka |
Pohutukawa flowering |
Mountain daisy, native |
Native alpine groundsel |
Thousand leaved fern |
Prickly shield fern |
Alpine Broad leaved carrot |
Native lycopodium |
Native orchid |
Rimu Tree, Catlins Coast |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |
Matai tree |
Ngaio tree leaves |
Moss on tree |
Native coastal forest interior |
Kahikatea forest canopy from air |
Kiekie fruit, native vine |
Pleurophyllum speciosum plant |
Native Gentiana concinna in bloom |
Stilbocarpa polaris flowers |
Northwest Bay, Campbell Island |
Trampers, Campbell Island |
Anisotome antipoda in bloom |
Tussock & snow |
Foxglove |
Foxglove |
Te Korokoroowhaitiri Bay. Wairoa |
Begonia House, Wellington |
Wellington Botanical Gardens |
Oriental Bay, Wellington |
Dried flax flowers in the field |
Lavender |
Wandering Willy weed |
Snowfall on native forest, Kaweka |
Kaweka Forest bushline |
Te Pukeohikarua & snow, Kaweka |
Forest monitoring plot, Kawekas |
Trees with possum damaged foliage |
Whau |
Foliage damage by possums |
Crown fern |
Wild ginger pest |
Waimakariri Valley |