Rata tree bark |
Bull Kelp |
Bull Kelp seaweed |
Lanternberry |
Tmesipteris, Dinosaur plant. |
Kauri branches |
Flax base |
Rewarewa seeds |
Rewarewa seeds |
Ice plant - Introduced |
Introduced Ice plant |
Ice plant, introduced |
Ice Plant, introduced |
Nightshade weed |
Native tree Fuchsia |
Ngaio leaf |
Mt Tongariro |
Stilbocarpa lyallii |
Ragwort infestation |
Ragwort paddock |
Cabbage tree flowers |
Astelia fruiting |
NZ Clematis |
Native broom seeds |
Winika, native orchid |
NZ native orchid |
Native sun orchid |
Wineberry makomako leaves |
Tutu leaves and fruit |
Pasture flowers |
Smooth Catsear |
Sea Holly |
Onion leaved orchid |
Karaka leaves |
Clover leaves |
NZ Mistletoe |
Silver beech leaves |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Bulbinella flowers |
Sundew - carnivorous plant |
Insect browsing, Astelia |
Astelia flowers |
Snow Marguerite |
Speargrass spikes |
Whipcord Hebe |
Giant Buttercup |
Anistome flowers |
NZ native weevil |
Hover fly on flower |
Groundsel |
Spider's web in rain |
Wasp taking honeydew |
March fly |
Yound red beech leaves |
Matagouri |
Maori ice plant |
Native Ice Plant |
Plant pests |
Plant pests |
Pasture buttercup |
Images 7201 to 7260 of 8554 |