Road to Arthur's Pass |
Traffic on road to Arthur's Pass |
Road to Arthur's Pass |
Historic cottage at Waianakarua |
Sheep grazing in winter snow |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Leaves blowing in strong wind |
Blurred leaves of cabbage tree |
Wind swept Mahoe Tree |
Movement of leaves in wind |
Storm blowing leaves on tree |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Autumn on farmland |
Sheep on pasture at Autumn |
Sheep grazing on autumn pasture |
Weathered hut under stormy sky |
Weathered hut under stormy sky |
Old shed under stormy sky |
Lace like fern fronds |
Fern fronds |
Autumn leaves at Lake Wanaka |
Golden leaves at Lake Wanaka |
Autumn at Lake Wanaka |
Autumn at Lake Wanaka |
Autumn at Lake Wanaka |
Autumn at Lake Wanaka |
Fence line encrusted with frost |
Frost encrusted fence line |
Frost encrusted fence line |
Frost encrusted fence line |
Frosty fence line |
Frosty fence line |
Frosty fence lines |
Cattle on roadway |
Native flax in wetlands |
Poplar trees at Autumn |
Stand of Poplar Trees |
Moody morning mists over farmland |
Moody morning mists over farmland |
Central Otago road |
Looking upwards towards tree top |
Golden farm land with windbreak |
Poplar trees used as windbreak |
Storm clouds over farmland |
Storm over farmland |
Storm brewing over grain field |
Top of lone cabbage tree |
Native Titoki tree seeds |
Nikau palm fronds in sun |
Nikau palm fronds in sun |
Rimu Tree leaves, NZ native |
Rimu Tree leaves, NZ native |
Rata leaves floating in creek |
Rata leaves floating in creek |
Native Kowhai leaves |
Native Iris moving in breeze |
NZ forest grass abstract |
Close up of leaf structure |