Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Old gate hitch, Molesworth Station |
Guide River with cattle grazing |
Guide River with cattle grazing |
Molesworth Station breaking storm |
Molesworth Station stockmen & horses |
Mustering cattle, Molesworth Station |
Draughting cattle & calf marking |
Stockman on horseback |
Stockman on horseback |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Geoff Swift/Molesworth Station Tours |
Geoff Swift/Molesworth Station Tours |
Bush Gully/Molesworth Station |
Bush Gully out station |
Half moon hut on Molesworth Station |
Half moon hut on Molesworth Station |
Half moon hut on Molesworth Station |
Half moon hut on Molesworth Station |
Half moon hut on Molesworth Station |
Molesworth Station cookhouse |
Acheron Accommodation house |
St Joseph's Church in Jerusalem |
Mt Taranaki at sunset |
Unusual wispy orange sunset |
Unusual wispy orange sunset |
Hurunui River and farmland |
Iceberg with sculptured curves |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Tourist on beach at Ship Creek |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale Cattleyards |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Musterers horses |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Mustering cattle heifers |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Crabeater Seals, Antarctica |
Seals and icebergs, Antarctica |