Asian Paper Wasp on leaf |
Asian Paper Wasp on petal |
Surf life saving boat races |
Danger sign, Kepler Track |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Central Otago |
Irrigation MacKenzie country farm |
Irrigation equipment on farm |
Irrigation of furrowed farmland |
Seaview industrial area |
Close up dead gorse plant spines |
Group of wekas awaiting relocation |
Weka in cage trap |
Conservation worker holding wekas |
Conse4rvation worker banding Weka |
Conservation worker banding Weka |
Conservation worker banding Weka |
Close up of conservation bird bands |
Doc ranger banding Weka |
DOC ranger banding Weka |
Close up, banding of Weka |
Scenic & Marine Reserve signpost |
Dry rot in wood |
Didymo algae warning sign |
Rabbit faeces on grass |
Rabbit faeces on grass |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Weka in a cage trap |
Weka conservation work |
Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Vehcile tracks on beach |
Car wrecks |
Coastal erosion control |
Power lines in fog |
Powerlines in the suburbs |
Little Blue penquin flipper |
Ferry, jetty Tiritiri Matangi Islan |
Banding a black petrel sea bird |
New Zealand's national aquarium |
Martha Mine, Waihi |
Gold mine |
Looking up Kauri tree trunk |
Arbour Day sign, Greytown |
Waitakarere Ranges |
Woman by blown over outhouse toilet |
Farm burn off |
Christchurch |
Benmore Power Station |
Gold panning, Otago |
Cattle in waterway |
Lake Rotoroa near Kaikoura |
Rubbish dump, Blenheim |
Ship Rat |
Moulting Little Blue Penguin |
Two Little Blue Penguins |
Hector's Dolphin lying on its back |
Waitahu mine, West Coast |