Fern fronds unfurling |
Chatham Is leaf pattern |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Closeup of wet leaves of tree lupin |
Native forest & Marlborough Sounds |
Farm fence wire |
Te Apiti wind farm |
Yacht mast reflections |
Corn field plantings |
Maize crop rows |
Maize crop seedligns |
Crop rows and seedlings |
Native Green Orbweb spider |
Raindrops on glass |
Rain on glass |
Grape vines, Hawkes Bay |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Bull kelp texture |
Beach stones and paua shell |
Tour buses, Fiordland |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Flax flowers |
Flax flower |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |
Lichen wild garden sign |
Bird on power lines |
Power line cables |
Fence |
Farm fence tensioners |
Rimu leaves |
Kowhai tree leaves |
Market gardening, Horowhenua |
Market gardening, Horowhenua |
Silage bales |
Parachuting |
Sunny river forest, Tararua Ranges |
Kowhai trees |
Kowhai flowering |
Kowhai tress |
Dog tracks on beach |
Tree fern fronds |
Leaf close up |
Fern and spores |
Umbrella moss |
Native Bidi-bidi |
Motutapu Is. gun emplacement |
Meadow flowers |
Fiordland valley |
Mackenzie Basin |
Flax flowers |
Flax flowers |
Mt Maunganui |
Corrugated iron sheep shop, Tirau |
Cabbage tree |
Putangirua Pinnacles rock formation |
Wairarapa Pinnacles |
Old pine forest |
Old pine forest |