NZ Greenstone |
NZ Greenstone |
Close up of Sea urchin |
NZ Flax leaves |
Yellow ribbed New Zealand Flax |
Cymbidium orchid bud |
Wavy wter surface |
Fence batten |
Fence batten |
Frosty flax leaf |
Wellington water supply lakes |
Shackleton's Hut boards |
Shackleton's Hut boards |
Shackleton's hut candle supply |
Floats in water |
Floats on still water |
Floats on still water |
Toetoe grasses |
Cats eye shells |
Cats eye shells |
Nylon weave |
Tree fern leaves |
Fern leaves |
Fern leaves |
Leaf viens |
Flax leaf line pattern |
Flax leaf pattern |
Timber textures |
Timber texture |
Woven wool fabrics |
Woollen woven fabric |
Woollen woven fabric |
Woollen woven fabric |
Woollen fabric |
Circular star tracks, night sky |
Water ripples and patterns |
Sunset, Antarctica sea and ice |
Snowflakes on fabric |
Rows of 'catseye'shells |
Spiral patterned 'catseye' shells |
Spiral patterned 'catseye shells' |
Sand patterns from water ripples |
Weathered wood grain patterns |
Weathered wood grain patterns |
Weathered wood grain patterns |
Camping fire |
Campfire flames and embers |
Campfire flames and embers |
Camping fire |
Campfire flames and embers |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Flax flower heads |
Flax flower heads |
Pohutukawa buds |
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn |
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs. Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs, Wgtn |