Kakapo bird, nocturnal parrot |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Wild lupin flowers |
South Georgia Reindeer and penguins |
1080 poisen protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 posion protest banner |
1080 poison protest sign |
1080 poison protest sign |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Wild Wapiti bull |
Wild Wapiti bull |
Gorse spines killed by herbicide |
DOC Ranger bandiing a Weka |
Weka conservation work |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat caught in cage trap |
Possum juvenile suckling |
Rat caught in a trap with cheese |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Dead penguin |
Dead penguin on road |
Sign: Dolphin swimming guidelines |
Cat eating bird |
Dead bird on car grill |
Dead mallard ducks |
Ferret |
Wasp |
Banded Kokopu |
Rabbits |
Pampas Grass pest |
Turtle shells confiscated. CITES |
Turtle shells |