Looking up Kauri tree trunk |
Arbour Day sign, Greytown |
Set net ban to protect Hector' |
Waitakarere Ranges |
Woman by blown over outhouse toilet |
Farm burn off |
Dolphin autopsy |
Christchurch |
Hector's statue |
Hector |
Benmore Power Station |
Gold panning, Otago |
Cattle in waterway |
Lake Rotoroa near Kaikoura |
Predator trapping |
Kiwi nest monitoring |
Blue duck and young |
Rubbish dump, Blenheim |
Ship Rat |
Rat |
Takahe |
Kakapo bird |
N.I. Weka |
Moulting Little Blue Penguin |
Two Little Blue Penguins |
Hector's Dolphin lying on its back |
Honey dew |
Waitahu mine, West Coast |
Whangamarino wetland, Waikato |
Catfish, introduced pest fish |
Mosquito fish, introduced pest species |
Toxic waste! |
Toxic waste! |
Burn off fire |
Forest monitoring plot, Kawekas |
Trees with possum damaged foliage |
Foliage damage by possums |
Banded Kokopu |
Koaro, native fish |
Short jaw kokopu |
New Plymouth power station |
Refuse being crushed, Wellington |
Refuse tip discarded goods |
Weka ready for release |
Weka |
Ship Rat |
House mouse |
Shark cartilage medicine |
Shark teeth |
Wild rabbit |
Hairy goat |
Weka, tagged & ready to move |
Sambar Deer |
Rabbits |
NZ Possum |
Possum |
Fire fighting in the bush |
Whale tabua (said Tambua) |
Whale scrimshaw |
Whale scrimshaw |