1080 poison protest sign |
Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry, selective focus |
Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry |
Country meets urban, Coromandel |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns feeding |
New Zealand Fariy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
NZ Shore plover bird |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Diving Petrel with Ice Plant |
Taxidermied Kakapo |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Taking photo of Cook Strait Weta |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Volunteer plants trees, Mana Island |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |