Goat Island Marine Reserve, Leigh |
Wellington City & Karori Sanctuary |
Capital Kiwi project, West Wellington |
Wellington City & Karori Sanctuary |
Wellington City & Karori Sanctuary |
Volunteers plant trees, Mana Island |
Planting seedlings, Mana Island |
1080 poison operation loading |
Worker releasing Weka from cage |
DOC worker, Long Is, Marlborough |
DOC worker, Long Is, Marlborough |
Doc worker with pack on Long Island |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Lakes Tutira and Waikopiro, Hawkes Bay |
Lakes Tutira and Waikopiro, Hawkes Bay |
DOC ranger monitoring Fairy Terns |
DOC ranger monitoring Fairy Terns |
DOC ranger monitoring Fairy Terns |
Tree planting on Mana Island |
Aerial 1080 operation |
1080 poison operation loading |
1080 poison possum operation |
Weka in cage trap |
Weka conservation work |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Poison signage |
Anti 1080 protest sign |
Predator control traps |
Bird banding |
Bird banding |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Wineberry makomako seedling |
Kowhai tree seedling planted |
Red matipo tree seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Seven Finger seedling |
Black Matipo seedling |
Seven Finger seedling |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Possum proof fence, Otago Peninsula |
Predator traps being prepared, Waiheke |
Predator traps being prepared, Waiheke |
Possum eradication, Otago Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Otago Peninsula |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Volunteer plants trees, Mana Island |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |