Marlborough’s River Queen |
Marlborough’s River Queen |
Tree Lucerne flowering |
Mother & child on a walk |
Mother & child on a walk |
Palmerston North |
Palmerston North City Council |
Palmerston North City Council |
Palmerston North City Council |
Palmerston North City Council |
Palmerston North City Council |
The Square in Palmerston North |
Fly fisherman |
Sheep sorrel, borage and hawkweeds |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
Rakiura Track - Stewart Island |
The Auckland Domain |
Young Cabbage tree |
Domain Drive in Parnell |
Molesworth cottage and sign |
Walker at O'Neill Bay |
Walker at O'Neill Bay |
Hillary Trail Te Henga walkway |
Wilding Pine trees and seedlings |
Wilding Pine trees and seedlings |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest interior |
Red Beech forest interior |
Red Beech forest canopy |
Hawkweed and sweet briar weeds |
Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Red Gate Hut |
Red Gate Hut |
Ivanhoe Stanley Augarde grave |
Ok Adit - Big River mine |
Ship Creek forest walking track |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Putaputaweta/marbleleaf tree |
Parapara tree foliage |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Blue borage flowers |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Browse line from cattle grazing |
Looking along grape vines |
Harvesting pine plantation |
Flowering cabbage tree |
Deforestation of hills |
Old Totara timber |
Tree rings in cut timber |
Pasture grass blowing in the wind |