Shearing shed detail |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Foresty and farmland, Hanmer |
1st Kowhai flowers |
Miranda Shorebird centre hide |
Kaimanawa wild horse stallions |
Wild Canada goose hiding |
Wild Canada goose hiding |
Wild Canada goose fleeing |
Wild Canada goose fleeing |
Godwit bird |
Didymo infestation, Hurunui River |
Didymo river infestation |
Didymo river infestation |
Didymo river infestation |
Pine tree cones, male |
Pine tree cones, male |
Mother & child on a walk |
Mother & child on a walk |
Stockman shoeing horse |
Stockman shoeing horse |
NZ meadow plants, micro cosmos |
Red billed gull |
Red billed gull |
Red billed gull |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Jeep climbing over "Devil's Gate" |
KEEP OUT sign - summer camping |
Razorwire security fence |
Razorwire security fence |
Vandals work on signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Feet and footprints on the beach |
Bare feet and footprints on the bea |
Railway tracks, Wairarapa |
Light bulbs on a jigging vessel |
Dry rot in wood |
Wind turbine |
Lake silhouette |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |
Power lines and poles |
Barbed wire |
3 people silhouetted, admiring view |
Arbour Day sign, Greytown |
Timutimu Head across the sea |
Woman by blown over outhouse toilet |
Kennel for visitors' dogs |
Punga tree fern frond |
Native tree fern Koru |
Toxic waste! |
Toxic waste! |
Boat wake on ocean |
Bird wing |
Bird wing |