Rimu and Northern Rata vine |
Supplejack vine and Tawa tree |
Supplejack vine and Tawa tree |
Supplejack vine and Tawa tree |
Northern Rata seedling on host tree |
Kiekie flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Tractor spraying vineyards, Otago |
Creeping lawyer, native |
Supplejack vine flowers, native |
Twisted forest vine |
Kahikatea tree, NZ native |
Northern Rata |
Northern Rata |
Northern Rata flowers |
Northern Rata |
Tractor spraying in vineyards |
Bush lawyer flower |
Rata flowers |
Rata flowers |
Rata flowers |
Ivy leaved toadflax weed |
Native Clematis flower |
NZ Passionfruit flower |
Banana passionfruit |
Passionfruit vine pest |
Banana passionfruit |
Rata flowers |
Rata flowers |
White rata leaves |
Native Clematis |
NZ Clematis |
Rata vine |
Rata flowers |
Lycopodium creeper |
Rata flower |
Rata flower |
Old mans beard weed on native forest |
Old mans beard weed on native forest |
Rata vine flowers |
Kiekie overhanging creek, Westland |
Epihpytes on tree fern trunk |
Supplejack vines, native |
Perching lily fruit, native |
Perching lily fruit, native |
Perching Lily |
Perching Lily |
Kiekie flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Old man's beard weed |
Tecomanthe speciosa, rare vine |
Vineyards, Lake Dunstan |
Tractor spraying in vineyards |
Tractor spraying vineyards, Otago |
Pruning grape vines in vineyard |
Bush Lawyer flowers and leaves |
Leaves and flowers, Bush Lawyer |
Close up Bush Lawyer flower |
Rata flowers |
Ivy leaved toadflax weed |