Large waves Wellington South coast |
Seal swimming |
Banks Peninsula |
Banks Peninsula Coastline |
Terns, Banks Peninsula |
French Bay, Akaroa |
Akaroa township from jetty |
Akaroa township from the harbour |
Kaikoura rocky coast and mountains |
Kaikoura |
Fishing, Canterbury |
Kaikoura Peninsula |
Farewell Spit |
Farewell Spit |
Farewell Spit |
Native Fur seal on rock |
Inquisitive native fur seal on rock |
Native fur seal on rock |
Hole in the Rock - BoI |
Hole in the Rock - BoI |
Hole in the Rock - BoI |
Bay of Islands tour |
Cape Reinga |
Doubtless Bay |
Cable Bay |
Sand patterns |
Nelson |
Ocean. White Bluffs, Kaikoura area |
Auckland, Westhaven marina |
Kaikoura Coast |
Kaikoura township, mountains, sea |
White Island |
White Island |
Bull Kelp |
Stewart Is. Coast |
Big Kuri Bay, Stewart Island |
Stewart Is. Beach |
Creek and coast, Stewart Island |
Rangitaiki River Mouth and estuary |
Rangitaiki River mouth |
Tree fern |
Tourist boat comes to White Island |
White Island |
Sulphur encrusted fumeroles |
Crater Lake, White Island |
Hole in the Rock, Piercy Island |
Whale tripot, kapiti Is. |
Wellington Harbour entrance |
Wellington South Coast |
Ataturk memorial, Wellington harbou |
Marfells Beach, Marlb. |
Clifford Bay, Marlborough |
Marfells Beach, Clifford Bay |
Kaikoura Coast |
Kaikoura coastline and clouds |
Cathedral Cove and Hahei lookout |
Swimmers at Hahei Beach |
Holidaymakers at Hahei Beach |
Holidaymakers at Hahei Beach |
Hahei Beach, Coromandel |