Possum eradication innovation, Otago |
Possum eradication, Otago Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Otago Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Otago Peninsula |
School predator control learning, Oakura |
Possum eradication work, Taranaki |
Possum eradication work, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Wild red deer during rut |
Wild pig on bush edge |
Wild pig on bush edge |
Petone Wharf, Wellington Harbour |
Wild juvenile rabbit in grass |
Baby wild Hare |
Baby wild Hare |
Wild Red deer, reacting to danger |
Wild Red deer, alert to danger |
Wild sambar deer, Horowhenua |
Wild Chamois in mist |
Cat vomit with native bird remains |
Wild pigs in the high country |
Wild pigs in the high country |
Cat killing a wild rabbit |
Honey bee pupae |
Wild Rabbit |
Wild Rabbit |
Possum in cabbage tree |
Possum in cabbage tree |
Aphid pest insect |
Aphid on plant |
Aphid on plant |
Aphid pest insect |
Aphid pest insect |
Aphid pest insect |
Wild goats on hillside |
Wild goats on hillside |
Wild goats on hillside |
Sheepskin & possum fur products |
Wild Wapiti deer in NZ |
Wild Wapiti deer in NZ |
1080 poison operation loading |
1080 poison possum operation |
Dead possum on road |
Possum on road |
Little brown rabbit |
Rabbit on Macquarie Island |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |