Freshwater crayfish |
NZ freshwater crayfish |
Orca killer whale close up |
Killer whale, Wellington Harbour |
Orca whale, Wellington Harbour |
Orca whale, Wellington Harbour |
Killer whales in Wellington |
Red billed gulls flying over sand |
Kaka bird eating coprosma fruit |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
North Island Kaka close up |
Magpie Moth |
bottlenose dolphin |
Long finned eel |
Longfin eel, NZ endemic species |
Northern grass skink, Native skink |
Northern grass skink close up |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink on rock, NZ native |
Gannet on the wing |
Male paradise duck |
Pukeko in wetland |
Kereru, NZ native pigeon |
Common Gecko on rock |
Common Gecko, NZ native lizard |
Tree weta |
Fur seal and fishing boat |
NZ Fur seal |
Pair of fur seals on the rocks |
New Zealand Sealion |
New Zealand Sealion |
Sea lion with shark bite scars |
NZ Sea lion |
Elephant seal |
Kea bird |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Bounty Island shag |
Bounty Island shag |
Bounty Island shag |
Bounty Island shag |
Bounty Island shag |
Northen Royal Albatross |
Yellow-eyed penguins |
Long-tailed bat radio transmitter attachment |
Long-tailed bat radio transmitter attachment |
Long-tailed bat banded on wing |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Longfin eel, NZ endemic species |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |
Giant Kōkopu, NZ native fish |