Mounting Rock Hopper penguin |
Moulting Rock Hopper penguin |
Adelie penguins by granite cliffs |
Adelie penguins trek over rocks |
Adelie penguins on rocks |
Dead Emperor Penguin by rock |
Adelie penguin remains, Antarctic |
Little Blue Penguin Eudyptula minor |
Saddleback bird |
South Island Saddleback |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Weka in a cage trap |
Weka conservation work |
White heron |
Yellow eye penguins |
Yellow eye penguins |
Yellow eye penguins |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Blue duck conservation |
Blue duck research |
Blue duck research |
Blue duck research |
Blue duck research |
Blue duck research |
Wild Blue duck juvenile closeup |
Wild Blue duck juvenile closeup |
Pukeko bird |
Pukeko in wetland |
Lake Tutira, Hawke's Bay |
Lake Tutira, Hawke's Bay |
NZ Native pigeon, Kereru |
Seabird tracks |
Kea bird and car |
White fronted tern |
Kiwi nest monitoring |
Blue duck and young |
Blue duck |
Blue duck |
Black swan |
North Island Brown Kiwi |
Shy Mollymawk |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
Takahe |
Takahe bird |
Closeup of Takahe bird |
Takahe bird |
Cheeky Weka bird |
N.I. Robin bird |
Shearwaters at sea |
Wandering Albatross |
Native Weka |
Spur-winged plover |
Oystercatcher bird |
New Zealand Scaup swimming |
Two Banded Rail birds |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
Gannet preening itself |
Black fronted tern |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |