Speargrass flower |
Leptinella pusilla in bloom |
Albino Peacock |
Flax |
Slug eggs |
Giant Ground Beetle, NZ native |
Native carabid beetle |
House fly eyes |
White tailed spider |
N.I. Robin |
Yellow flowered snow marguerites |
NZ sundews, carnivorous plants |
Endangered Back Petrel seabird |
Rare Black Petrel |
Sundew - Insect eating plant |
Carnivorous plant, NZ sundew |
Native NZ gloxinia in flower |
Hebe speciosa (Napuka) flower |
Rengarenga lily |
Rengarenga flowers |
NZ Native Golden Tainui flowers |
Black backed gull |
Red billed gulls |
Kaikoura Mts and Albatross |
Fungi |
Fungi |
Fungi |
Fungi |
Toco Toucan, Brazil |
Wellington South coast |
Terns, Banks Peninsula |
Kea bird |
Native alpine Kea |
Snails mating |
South Island Weka |
Pied Stilt |
Blue duck and chick |
Mt Cook Lilies - Milford Track |
Close up Mount Cook Lily flowers |
Mount Cook Lilies |
Kea prying into backpack |
Kea playing on the Mackinnon Pass |
NZ native fern Waewaekaka close up |
Baby lamb |
Juvenile Rimu foliage |
Tree fern shoot |
New fern growth shoot, Mamaku |
Field of black swans near wetlands |
North Canterbury farmland |
Sheep and lambs |
Red billed gull standing on one leg |
Brown kiwi in the grass |
Bumble bee |
Bumble bee on clover |
Bumble bee |
Supplejack vine fruit and plant |
Native orchids |
Morepork bird |
Bullers Mollymawk landing |
Shy Mollymawk |