Half moon hut interior/Molesworth |
Half moon hut interior/Molesworth |
Half moon hut interior/Molesworth |
Half moon hut interior/Molesworth |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Molesworth cob homestead |
Blacksmith tools |
Blacksmith tools |
Blacksmith tools |
Blacksmith tools |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Old horseshoes |
Old horseshoes |
Mangapurua stream |
Mangapurua stream |
Mangapurua stream |
Visitors on the Mangapurua walkway |
Mangapurua walkway |
Mangapurua walkway |
St Joseph's Church in Jerusalem |
St Joseph's Church in Jerusalem |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Musterers horses and dogs |
Musterers horses and dogs |
Molesworth Cob Homestead |
Memorial to the Wairau Affray |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterers at Tarndale homested |
Molesworth Station |
Historic branding irons |
Historic branding irons |
Historice branding irons |
Tarndale historic cobb building |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
Moki Tunnel or the Hobbit's Hole |
Joshua Morgan's grave, Taranaki |
Buck House at Te Mata Winery |
Buck House at Te Mata Winery |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve |
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve, Napier |
The Firth Tower, Matamata |
Gold mining dredge ruins, Shotover River |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Mawson's Huts, Antarctica |
Mawson's Huts, Antarctica |
Mawson's Huts, Antarctica |
Michael King memorial in Opoutere |
Michael King memorial in Opoutere |
Waihi historic pumphouse |
Citizens' War Memorial, Wellington |
Citizens' War Memorial, Wellington |
Potters Creek No2 historic mining |
Potters Creek No2 historic mining |
Potters Creek No2 historic mining |