Leptinella rotundata flowers |
Leptinella rotundata flowers |
Leptinella rotundata flowers |
NZ native Creeping Fuchsia |
Lichen plant on dead branch |
Old man's beard weed |
Diving Petrel with Ice Plant |
Brown Skua chick |
Lichens competing |
Lichen |
Ivy leaved toadflax weed |
Enderby Island ground cover |
Ground cover, Enderby Island |
Enderby Island ground cover |
Creeping fuchsia |
Scleranthus, native cushion bush |
Cape Ivy plant pest |
Rata aerial roots |
Rata aerial roots |
Lanternberry |
Tmesipteris, Dinosaur plant. |
Sea Holly |
Maori ice plant |
Native Ice Plant |
Native Bidi-bidi |
NZ sundews, carnivorous plants |
Sundew - Insect eating plant |
Carnivorous plant, NZ sundew |
Red Admiral butterfly |
Pratia Flowers |
Creeping Pratia |
Supplejack vine fruit and plant |
Alpine cushion plant |
Alpine cushion plants competing |
Liverwort fruiting |
Kiekie (Freycineta banksii) |
Umbrella Moss |
Liverwort fruiting |
Scleranthus, native cushion bush |
Alpine cushion plant, Hectorella |
Native White Cushion Daisy |
Common Scabweed, Raoulia hookeri |
Coprosma atropurpurea |
NZ Gunnera fruit |
Flowering Great Bindweed creeper |
Ground cover sward plant |
Fragrant Astelia berries - Kahaka |
Lichen |
Native Sundews |
Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury |
Creeping Pratia |
Alpine daisy |
Creeping Pratia |
Pratia flowers |
Cushion plant flowering |
Native lycopodium |
Wandering Willy weed |
Kiekie |
Kiekie (Freycineta banksii) |
Prostrate coprosma |