NZ Damselfly mating behaviour |
Native stick insect head |
Tree weta in tunnel |
Giant dragonfly |
Cicada head |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
NZ black tunnel-web spider |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
Glow worm larvae in silk nest |
Glow worm larvae in silk nest |
Adult glow worm fly |
Adult glow worm fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
NZ Black Tunnelweb spider |
Tunnel Web Spider |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
NZ Damselfly mating behaviour |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
Stick insect |
Glow worm egg mass hatching |
Newly hatched glow worm fly |
Newly hatched glow worm fly |
Giant Mountain Dragon Fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
Native ants attacking beetle |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
Harvestman on Blue Borage |
Native Giant Flax Weevil |
Tunnel Web Spider |
Native NZ Black Tunnelweb spider |
Black Tunnel Web Spider |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
NZ native Damselfly mating |
Native stick insect head |
Native stick insect head |
Native prickly stick insect |
Native stick insect |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
Glow worm larvae silk |
Glow worm larvae in silk nest |
Glow worm larvae and silk nest |
Glow worm egg hatching larvae |
Glow worm pupae case |