NZ micro snail out at night |
McGregor's skink, V. rare NZ species |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
White fronted tern landing on rocks |
Cluster of NZ mollusc |
NZ Paua shell |
Native New Zealand Paua shell |
Native New Zealand Paua shell |
NZ Damselfly mating behaviour |
NZ native Ornate Skink |
Native stick insect head |
Tree weta in tunnel |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Giant dragonfly |
Native Hochstetter's Frog |
Cicada head |
Northern grass skink head, NZ native |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
New Zealand Paua shell |
New Zealand Paua shell |
New Zealand Paua shell |
Kea bird |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
Native NZ snail on flax |
NZ micro snail out at night |
Native NZ snail on flax |
NZ black tunnel-web spider |
Raukawa Gecko from Mana Island |
McGregor's skink eyeball & scales |
Closeup of McGregor's skink eye |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
White fronted Tern flapping wings |
White fronted tern sitting on rocks |
Small native shells |
Native NZ mollusc shells |
Cluster of native NZ mollusc shells |
Native NZ Paua shell |
Native NZ Paua shell |
Native New Zealand Paua shell |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
Young Kea scratching its face |
Glow worm larvae in silk nest |
Glow worm larvae in silk nest |
Adult glow worm fly |
Adult glow worm fly |
Whitebait fritter |
Whitebait fritter |