Open cast coal mine, Waitahu River |
Otago farmland |
Waiheke Island |
Waiheke and Rangitoto Is. |
Waiheke Island |
Waiheke Is. Ferry |
Waiheke Island vineyard |
Tauranga Harbour mouth, Waihi Beach |
Kohekohe flowers |
Waikanae estuary |
Canada geese |
Whitebaiter/kayaker on Wakanae River |
Kaiapoi Pa site, Canterbury |
Denniston incline summit, Westport |
Richard Pearse Memorial, Temuka |
Kaimanawa wild horse |
Tank and Army Museum |
Monument to honour Tangiwai victims |
Tangiwai rail memorial |
Tane Mahuta - giant Kauri tree |
Tane Mahuta, tallest Kauri in world |
Giant kauri |
Gannet bird soaring on waves |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Mountain Olearia, Waitaha Valley |
Kea bird |
Waitutu Lodge accommodation |
Waitutu Lodge accommodation |
Wakefield, Nelson |
Wanaka, Central Otago |
Grapes |
Grapevines |
Grapes |
Grapes |
Grapevine |
Otago Autumn colours |
Otago Autumn |
Autumn colours |
Wanaka Autumn |
Sweet briar rose |
Sweet briar rose |
Lake Wanaka |
Wanaka |
Snowboarding, Otago |
target shooting |
Target shooting |
Kauri trunk |
Kauri Tree |
Kauri tree |
Kauri tree |
Kauri tree |
Wellington Stadium |
Dead penguin on road |
Dead penguin |
Ataturk memorial, Wellington harbour heads |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |