Offerings to the God of Speed shelves, Burt Munro's handmade engine parts and pistons, displayed in E. Hayes hardware shop. Mecca for Burt Munro Challenge week visitors like Steve Plant from Whangaparoa, Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ) stock photo.

Offerings to the God of Speed shelves, Burt Munro's handmade engine parts and pistons, displayed in E. Hayes hardware shop. Mecca for Burt Munro Challenge week visitors like Steve Plant from Whangaparoa, Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ), stock photo.

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Rob Suisted
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Offerings to the God of Speed shelves, Burt Munro's handmade engine parts and pistons, displayed in E. Hayes hardware shop. Mecca for Burt Munro Challenge week visitors like Steve Plant from Whangaparoa, Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ)

Offerings to the God of Speed shelves, Burt Munro's handmade engine parts and pistons, displayed in E. Hayes hardware shop. Mecca for Burt Munro Challenge week visitors like Steve Plant from Whangaparoa, Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ) Stock Photo

Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ) Rob Suisted

Offerings to the God of Speed shelves, Burt Munro's handmade engine parts and pistons, displayed in E. Hayes hardware shop. Mecca for Burt Munro Challenge week visitors like Steve Plant from Whangaparoa, Invercargill, Invercargill District, Southland Region, New Zealand (NZ)